Hashtag Highjacking Attack – Definitions
Hashtag hijacking attack, also known as hashtag hijacking, refers to a tactic where malicious individuals or entities intentionally use trending hashtag
Hashtag hijacking attack, also known as hashtag hijacking, refers to a tactic where malicious individuals or entities intentionally use trending hashtag
A repost storm attack, also known as a retweet storm or a share storm, refers to a coordinated and malicious effort to flood social media platforms.
A sleeper bots attack refers to a type of malicious activity on social media platforms involving the use of automated bots that lie dormant or "sleep".
Trend jacking attacks typically involve taking advantage of a popular or trending hashtag or topic on social media platforms to gain visibility.
Affiliate scams on social media typically involve deceptive practices by individuals who use social media platforms to promote and sell products or services.
Social media security refers to the practice of protecting your personal and confidential information when using social media platforms.
Telegram is increasingly being used by phishing actors to market their products and services or recruit unpaid helpers, according to firm Kaspersky.
Up to 1.4 million children in Britain used the platform in 2020 despite TikTok’s own rules not allowing children to create an account.
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