On July 30, 2024, Brownell Travel, Inc., based in Birmingham, Alabama, informed the California Attorney General of a data breach. The company discovered that an unauthorized actor had gained access to its systems, potentially compromising sensitive consumer information. Brownell immediately initiated a data breach notification process for affected individuals.
The breach occurred between November 10 and November 26, 2023, when the unauthorized party accessed and downloaded confidential information from Brownell’s IT network. This intrusion followed unusual activity detected within the company’s computer network last year. After securing their systems and restoring access, Brownell conducted a thorough investigation.
Brownell’s investigation revealed that sensitive consumer data was accessed during the breach. Although the company has not disclosed specific data types in its public notice, personalized letters were sent to affected individuals detailing the compromised information. This step aims to keep victims informed about the scope of the breach.
Founded in 1887, Brownell Travel specializes in luxury travel and employs over 127 people, generating approximately $85 million in annual revenue. The company is committed to addressing the breach and safeguarding its clients’ information.