The Union Home Ministry’s Annual Report for 2023-24 has brought attention to the increasing misuse of social media platforms for cyber scams, with WhatsApp identified as the most exploited platform. The report highlights that in the first three months of 2024 alone, WhatsApp recorded a staggering 43,797 complaints of cyber fraud. Following closely behind were Telegram with 22,680 complaints and Instagram with 19,800 reported cases. These platforms have become a breeding ground for cybercriminals who target vulnerable individuals, including unemployed youths, students, and financially struggling people, using deceptive tactics to trick them into scams.
One of the most prevalent types of fraud identified in the report is the “Pig Butchering Scam” or investment scam, which is gaining global attention. This scam involves large-scale money laundering schemes, often exploiting individuals by luring them into fake investment opportunities. Victims are tricked into parting with significant amounts of money, including borrowed funds. The scam’s reach extends beyond India, with many cases involving cross-border criminal networks, aided by the accessibility of deceptive advertisements placed through platforms like Google’s advertisement network.
In response to this growing threat, the Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C) has partnered with major tech companies like Google and Facebook to combat cybercrime. These collaborations have led to proactive measures such as flagging illegal digital lending apps, blocking Android banking malware through Google Play Protect, and utilizing Google Pay’s Citizen Financial Cyber Frauds Reporting and Management System to prevent fraud. Additionally, the I4C has been instrumental in identifying suspicious advertisers and working closely with platforms to remove deceptive ads before they can harm users.
To strengthen its efforts, the I4C is focusing on building a robust cybercrime response system through enhanced intelligence sharing with tech companies and specialized training for law enforcement personnel. Training programs are conducted at top institutes like the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy in Hyderabad, aiming to equip law enforcement officers, forensic experts, and judges with the skills needed to combat cybercrime effectively. As the volume of cyber fraud cases continues to rise, these proactive measures demonstrate the importance of collaborative action among government agencies, private tech platforms, and law enforcement to safeguard the digital ecosystem and protect users from online threats.