In a notable policy reversal, Telegram has announced it will share user data, including IP addresses and phone numbers, with authorities upon receiving valid legal requests. This decision aims to combat the rising tide of criminal activity on the popular messaging platform. CEO Pavel Durov outlined that if Telegram receives a court order confirming a user is a suspect in a case involving criminal activities that violate the platform’s Terms of Service, the company will conduct a legal analysis and may disclose the user’s information to relevant authorities. This shift reflects Telegram’s growing responsibility in policing its platform.
Previously, Telegram’s data-sharing policy was limited primarily to cases involving terror suspects. Durov emphasized that the changes now encompass a broader range of criminal activities, signaling a significant move towards greater accountability. In conjunction with these policy updates, Telegram will include such data disclosures in its periodic transparency reports, thereby providing users with insight into how their information may be handled in legal contexts. The service will also collect metadata, such as the devices used and username change history, to help mitigate spam and abuse.
In addition to the data-sharing policy, Telegram is enhancing its platform’s safety features. The company is updating its search capabilities to eliminate problematic content from results and has introduced a reporting mechanism through the @SearchReport bot, enabling users to flag illegal terms for human review. These changes aim to create a safer user experience and address concerns about Telegram’s role as a haven for illicit activities, including drug trafficking and money laundering.
The decision to implement these measures comes amid increased scrutiny of Telegram’s operations. Durov was recently arrested in France due to allegations that the platform was turning a blind eye to various crimes. Following his release on bail, he was ordered to remain in the country as investigations continue. Additionally, the Ukrainian government has taken steps to ban Telegram usage among government officials and military personnel, citing national security risks. As Telegram adapts to these challenges, the new policies reflect a critical pivot in its approach to user safety and compliance with legal standards.