A menacing new threat has surfaced in the dark corners of the web, known as the Gotham Stealer, previously recognized as the Pirate Stealer. This advanced information-stealing tool distinguishes itself with a wide array of capabilities, such as Discord Injection, Wallets Stealing, and Screen-Watching and Screen-Clicking functionalities, providing malicious users unparalleled control over their victims.
As a multifaceted tool, it can also act as a Roblox Session Stealer, Steam Stealer, Minecraft Stealer, and Process Hider while priding itself on its undetectability (FUD).
Furthermore, the transformation from Pirate to Gotham Stealer was announced by the creators on their Telegram channel, indicating a resurgence of this malicious software. The Pirate Stealer, renowned for its sophistication and reliability as a Discord logger, garnered a reputation as one of the most advanced tools of its kind. Discord, a popular instant messaging platform, became a prime target for cybercriminals, leading to a surge in malware attacks in 2023.
The Gotham Stealer stands out among similar information-stealing tools available on platforms like GitHub due to its expanded feature set and capabilities. Its sleek graphical user interface and user-friendly dashboard empower users to tailor their malicious projects, including crafting Discord bots with customizable panels.
This malware primarily focuses on exfiltrating data from compromised devices, gathering information such as device name, hardware specifications, and operating system version. It particularly targets internet cookies and stored login credentials, including usernames and passwords from web browsers, and aims to steal sensitive data from popular platforms like Discord.
The Gotham Stealer’s presence on hacker forums for sale underscores the evolving threat landscape, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity vigilance and safeguarding against deceptive tactics used by cybercriminals to infiltrate systems.