On February 5, 2024, Gaia discovered a data breach in which sensitive personal identifiable and protected health information may have been accessed. The investigation revealed that an unauthorized third party accessed this information on January 27, 2024. Gaia began notifying affected individuals on June 28, 2024, about the breach. The exposed information includes names, Social Security numbers, addresses, dates of birth, health information, and health insurance information.
Gaia, a healthcare software solutions company based in Colorado, specializes in integrated Dialysis EHR Software for dialysis facilities. Founded in 1998, Gaia’s software is designed to improve patient care and support independent and hospital-based dialysis centers. Along with its software, Gaia provides expertise in dialysis billing to maximize revenue and return on investment by maintaining account receivable balances and eliminating lost or denied charges.
Gaia also offers financial guidance and support for facility operations, regulatory compliance, and strategic business decisions. Headquartered in Littleton, Colorado, the company employs over ten individuals. The recent breach has raised concerns about the security of sensitive information handled by Gaia.
Gaia’s notification to affected individuals includes advice on monitoring their personal information for potential misuse. The company emphasizes its commitment to addressing the breach and enhancing its security measures to prevent future incidents. Gaia’s swift response aims to mitigate the impact on affected individuals and restore trust in its services.