Dean Norris, best known for his role as Hank Schrader in the TV series Breaking Bad, recently became the victim of a meme coin scam targeting unsuspecting crypto traders. Norris confirmed via a post on X that his account had been hacked to promote the DEAN meme coin, which he described as a “complete fake scam.” He urged followers to ignore the promotion and clarified that he rarely uses the platform, only becoming aware of the hack when his friends contacted him about the situation. The actor expressed confusion, revealing that he clicked on accounts accusing him of lying, only to realize those accounts were likely involved in boosting the scam.
The hacker used a highly convincing approach, even producing videos of Norris talking about the coin, and setting up a Telegram group for further deception. Some followers lost money due to the scam and questioned how the hacker obtained such convincing material. There were speculations that the scammer might have ordered a Cameo video from Norris with intentionally vague language to further the ruse. Despite the scam post being removed, many users pointed out how believable the attack seemed, with some even suggesting that the hacker had planned the scam with a follow-up tweet and doctored notepad images to “validate” the scam.
X users shared their frustrations about the scam’s effectiveness, noting how realistic the hacker’s actions appeared, even convincing some people to invest in the fraudulent meme coin.
The hacker’s use of a photoshopped notepad, along with the Cameo video, made the scam particularly difficult to identify as a hoax at first glance.
These elements contributed to the scam being one of the most convincing seen on the platform. The hacker’s ability to impersonate Norris so effectively demonstrated the increasing sophistication of such scams in the crypto space.
This incident highlights the growing prevalence of meme coin scams, especially in the wake of the boom in meme-based cryptocurrencies. High-profile accounts like Norris’ are often targeted due to their large following, making them prime candidates for such deceptive tactics. As scams like this continue to spread, they underscore the need for heightened security measures on social media platforms and increased awareness among users to protect themselves from falling victim to fraudulent schemes.