A hotel in Grossarl, Austria, was hit by a cyberattack on Wednesday morning, when unknown perpetrators locked the hotel’s computer system with an encryption program. The cybercriminals encrypted the data on the hotel’s server, rendering it inaccessible to staff and customers. The attackers then made contact with the hotel, demanding 14,000 euros in Bitcoin (0.15 Bitcoin) in exchange for the decryption key, which would restore access to the system and the data.
Despite the high demand for payment, the hotel decided not to comply with the ransom request. Law enforcement has been notified, and authorities are investigating the cyberattack. However, the hotel has not provided any details about the overall impact of the attack or the extent of the damage to its operations.
The hotel’s decision not to pay the ransom reflects a growing trend among businesses that are opting not to meet attackers’ demands in the face of ransomware incidents. It is not yet clear how long the hotel will take to recover from the attack or whether it will be able to restore the encrypted data without paying the ransom. This type of cyberattack has been on the rise globally, with ransomware groups targeting both large corporations and small businesses.
At present, the police in Austria are working with the hotel to assess the full impact of the breach. While the exact amount of damage remains unclear, the hotel is focused on restoring its systems and continuing its operations. The incident is a reminder of the growing threat of cyberattacks and the critical importance of businesses taking preventive measures to secure their digital infrastructure.