Big Cheese Studio, a prominent Polish game development company, was hit by a hacker attack early on Friday morning. The attackers gained access to the company’s internal game code systems and personal data of its employees. According to reports, the hackers threatened to release this sensitive data unless they were paid a ransom of 100,000 zlotys, equivalent to roughly $24,887 in cryptocurrency. The breach raised concerns about the company’s cybersecurity, as it involved both proprietary game-related information and personal employee details.
Despite the severity of the attack, Big Cheese Studio reassured its stakeholders that the breach did not disrupt its ongoing game development operations. The company clarified that none of its game development work was jeopardized, and no data was lost as a result of the cyberattack. The management swiftly took steps to mitigate the impact of the breach, confirming that they were working to resolve the situation while keeping their development work unaffected.
To address the breach, Big Cheese Studio immediately implemented additional security measures to safeguard its systems. The company is collaborating with external cybersecurity experts and service providers to restore its IT infrastructure and ensure that the company’s systems are fully secure. They are also conducting a thorough investigation into the scale of the breach, trying to understand the full extent of the damage and prevent any future incidents.
Legal actions are also being taken in response to the attack, as the company works to hold the perpetrators accountable.
The management team of Big Cheese Studio expressed its commitment to resolving the issue swiftly, emphasizing that the company was fully focused on maintaining the trust of its employees and partners. In addition to restoring its systems, the company is reviewing and strengthening its cybersecurity protocols to ensure the safety of its data and operations. Big Cheese Studio reassured its users and employees that they are taking every necessary measure to prevent any future cyberattacks, underscoring their determination to safeguard their intellectual property and personnel data moving forward.