Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, predicts the app’s active monthly users will exceed 1 billion within a year, emphasizing its growing popularity. In a rare interview with Tucker Carlson, Durov highlighted Telegram’s status as a neutral platform, distancing it from geopolitical agendas. Despite its already substantial user base of 900 million, Telegram aims to maintain its neutrality amidst concerns over misinformation and manipulation.
As a significant player in the social media landscape, Telegram’s rise has been notable, especially in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The app has become instrumental for both governments, serving as a primary source for unfiltered information about the war. However, alongside its utility, Telegram has faced criticism for its role in disseminating misinformation, prompting calls for stricter regulation.
Ukraine, in particular, is considering legislation to regulate Telegram and other social networks more rigorously. The Kremlin has also urged Durov to exercise greater caution, citing instances where the app allegedly facilitated nefarious activities. Despite these challenges, Telegram’s trajectory suggests it will continue to shape the social media landscape in significant ways, potentially reaching even greater heights in the near future.