Cybersecurity researchers have recently discovered a new strain of macOS malware named TodoSwift, which exhibits characteristics similar to known malware associated with North Korean hacking groups. According to Kandji security researcher Christopher Lopez, TodoSwift shares several behaviors with other malicious software like KANDYKORN and RustBucket, which are linked to the Lazarus Group, specifically its sub-cluster known as BlueNoroff. This connection suggests that TodoSwift may be part of a larger campaign targeting the cryptocurrency industry, aiming to steal digital assets and circumvent international sanctions imposed on North Korea.
TodoSwift is distributed in the form of a signed file called TodoTasks, which contains a dropper component. This module is designed as a graphical user interface (GUI) application written in SwiftUI, displaying a seemingly harmless PDF document that is weaponized to trick victims. While the PDF document appears benign and is hosted on Google Drive, it covertly downloads and executes a second-stage binary from a malicious domain. This technique mirrors methods previously employed in RustBucket, highlighting a pattern in how these cyber actors operate.
Once installed, TodoSwift can gather sensitive system information from the victim’s device, such as the operating system version and hardware model. It also establishes communication with a command-and-control (C2) server via API, which allows it to send data and receive further instructions. The use of an innocuous Google Drive link as part of the malware’s distribution method demonstrates the attackers’ strategic efforts to bypass traditional security measures and exploit user trust to gain access to systems.
The implications of this discovery are significant, as TodoSwift exemplifies the evolving tactics employed by North Korean cyber groups to infiltrate and exploit the cryptocurrency sector. By targeting blockchain engineers with tailored lures that appeal to their professional interests, these threat actors continue to refine their methods for financial gain. The findings underscore the need for heightened vigilance among organizations in the cryptocurrency space, as well as the importance of robust cybersecurity measures to counteract these sophisticated threats.