FilterBaby has issued a notice to its customers regarding a data breach that may have compromised personal information. The company emphasizes its commitment to data security and expresses regret over the incident, which occurred around the week of July 4, 2024. The breach involved various personal details, including names, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, total amounts spent, and internal customer identifiers. Importantly, FilterBaby reassures customers that their credit card and payment information remains secure and was not affected by the breach.
The investigation into the breach revealed that a former contractor shared personal customer data after their termination from the company. Fortunately, FilterBaby was able to resolve the breach quickly, with the incident contained within four hours of its discovery. The company has taken prompt action to inform affected individuals and is committed to keeping them updated as new information arises.
To mitigate the impact of the breach, FilterBaby is implementing enhanced security measures aimed at preventing similar incidents in the future. The company is taking this matter seriously and has expressed its deep regret for any inconvenience caused to its customers. Protecting customer information remains a top priority for FilterBaby as it works to rebuild trust with its user base.
Customers are encouraged to reach out to FilterBaby’s dedicated response team for further information and assistance regarding the breach. The company has provided a contact email address,, for those who have questions or require additional support. FilterBaby is committed to maintaining open lines of communication with its customers and ensuring that their data remains secure in the future.